Global Agency of Geosciences Experts
To teach the basics to understand how to evaluate prospects, understand the risks and estimate the volumes
Profesionnals with a Scientific background.
Background in Geosciences, petroleum geology or basic Petroleum Engineer knowledge
5 Session
Risks and uncertainty Prospects and Plays Assessing risks & volumes
Prospect maturation workflow Risk profiles Ranking prospects Risk mitigation
Reservoirs Risks and uncertainties important hydrocarbon settings Reservoirs types in:
Mechanisms of seal failure Seals and pressures in:
Impact of source rock types and timing issues for Charge assessment Charge in important hydrocarbon settings Source rocks charge in rifts
Volume assessment Dependencies between:
Probabilistic prospect Statistical estimation of volumes
Assessing economic value of prospects Exploration economics Geophysical evidence POS on DHIs (Probability of Success influence on Direct Hydrocarbon Indicators) and/or (+/-) evidence from CSEM (controlled source electromagnetics)– consistent with Bayes’ theorem
If you require a classroom training or a video training we’ll put you in contact with the best professor teaching in the language of your choice.
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